RAMP IT UP for Love!

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Love in the Name of Christ’s Project Ramp ministry has been building handicap ramps for nearly 20 years, providing freedom for our Muskegon County neighbors in need. Imagine yourself wheelchair-bound, stranded indoors and unable to get out to the doctor. Or out into your backyard. Or back inside on a cold winter’s day.

Or worse yet, have a way out if there was a fire.

Neighbors in need call their office regularly to apply for ramps from all over the county. A typical ramp takes 6 – 8 weeks from the time we get the phone call, until the ramp construction begins. Donations help to speed up the process, by enabling Love INC to build our inventory of metal ramp parts or to purchase the wooden materials needed to construct the ramp. Once the application is received, funding is in place, and paperwork is complete,  our group of volunteers step up and in just 2 days…

The Project Ramp ministry would not be possible without the gifts and talents of volunteers from area churches, civic organizations, and businesses.  This is a powerful way to show Christ’s love to those who could not get a ramp any other way. This is a powerful way to feel Christ’s love by helping your neighbors in need.

Their goal is $10,000 for this quarter, which will build approximately 6 ramps. Send your donation with RAMP IT UP for Love! in the memo.  You can also go to the GoFundMe campaign link at gofundme.com/RampItUpforLove or visit Love INC of Muskegon on Facebook for an easy link. Download the GoFundMe mobile app and share it with your friends!

RAMP IT UP For Love!

For more information about Project Ramp, call Tammy at 231.773.3448 ext 231.

Ramp It Up for Love flyer

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