On this Veteran’s Day, we would also like to thank those for their generous contributions to our Annual “Welcome Home” Veterans Dinner honoring our disabled American veterans and to our Veteran Needs Fund. Special thanks to Sam’s Club, American Legion Post 9 Muskegon Heights, MI, Baker College of Muskegon, Goobers Bakery, The Northside Pub, Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference, Frank Crews Quality Painting, Muskegon Elks Lodge #274, Trench Rats, Ever Rest Funeral Home & Ch…apel, Senator Goeff Hansen, Lascko Services, Shoreline Metal Fabricators, Accurate Income Tax & Accounting, Inc., O’malley’s Pest Control, Inc., Ginman Tire, Star Logic Solutions, Taylor Office Furniture, Disabled American Veteran’s Chapter 11, Rolling Thunder Inc, Michigan Chapter 4, Connie Nesbary International, LLC, USS LST 393 Veterans Museum, Muskegon Community College Center for Experiential Learning, Meijer, Maggie O’Toole, James Nielsen, Richard & Lynne Balkema, Mike Hamm, Laurels VFW Auxiliary 6898, Plumbs Corporate, The White House Gift Shop, Sharon & Ron Morzfeld, Wesley Geren, MLive Muskegon, United Way of the Lakeshore Muskegon in Focus Group. Thank you everyone!