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Today, the House of Representatives postponed a scheduled vote on the American Health Care Act – legislation that would gut federal investment in Medicaid and devastate Americans’ mental health and addiction coverage and care.

The postponement comes after hours of deliberation and a series of meetings between congressional leadership and White House officials. The timeline moving forward remains uncertain as there are several procedural hurdles and requirements a bill must go through before it can be debated and voted on by the full House chamber.

One thing is clear: Your advocacy is working. And we must keep it up! Even if you have already reached out, once is not enough. Take action again!

As these decisions come down to the wire, it is your engagement and advocacy that is making the difference. As debate continues, it is critically important that your Members of Congress hear from you and they understand the impact this bill would have on millions of Americans living with and in treatment for mental illness or addiction.
Taking action is easy. Click here to get started.

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